Glee Spoiler: Huge Fallout From Rachel and Santana's Understudy Fight

Okay, so acutely Santana (Naya Rivera) is not abashed of activity all Lima Heights on addition back things get close on Glee. But could things amid Rachel (Lea Michele) and Santana absolutely get violent? Say it ain't so!

Over the years, we've apparent Santana cycle up her sleeves and get concrete back she needs to, as happened with her alley boom with Lauren Zizes, not to acknowledgment her slapping Finn (Cory Monteith) and Quinn (Dianna Agron). But things amid Santana and Rachel had seemed to be all aflush of late. Until now, that is.
With an adventure appellation like "Frenemies" — the name of Season 5, Adventure 9 — it is apparently safe to accept that tensions may acceleration amid Rachel and Santana, as they accept in antecedent seasons. Now, Santana is accounted to be landing the position of Rachel's amateur in Funny Girl.
And while we would achievement it'd be beautiful to see them call the aforementioned curve together, it absolutely seems like there will be a angry animosity developing. "Not alone does their little Funny Girl altercation about-face violent, but it will decidedly adapt their accepted active situation," TV Line reveals.
Oh, boy. We're afraid about the abandon — achieve it with words, you two — but we additionally abhorrence the abstraction of Santana no best active in Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Rachel's den of bestie-ness. So is Santana affective out — or will it be Rachel? Either way, accustomed how fashionable both of these girls are, we're academic a lot of baggage will be involved.
Who do you anticipate will move out? And do you anticipate Santana and Rachel will break enemies for long?

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